The first dog I ever had was named Mulligan. In many cultures, dogs are considered a powerful symbol of unconditional love, loyalty, and protection. Native American symbolism associates the dog with security, unconditional love, and devotion. Besides eating dogs, the Chinese also believed that it would bring good fortune if a dog entered a home. The patron saint of dogs in Christianity was Saint Roch. Saint Roch was imprisoned for five years for spying back in the 14th century. I guess they were so upset with him that they even accused his dog, and they were both sent to prison. If you've never seen the movie, you'll cry if you Google "Old Yeller Death Scene." After being bitten by a wolf, Yeller fights off a rabid wolf but is eventually put down by Travis, the young boy. My wife was born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the dog. She would be very upset if I told you which one it was. However, she exhibits all the characteristics; she is loyal, friendly, courageous, diligent, steady, and intelligent.
As a five-year-old boy, I suspect Mulligan was a spirit guide. After sixty-plus years, I guess what I'm saying is my life might have been shaped by a dog named Mulligan. Ironically, a mulligan is a second chance, usually going wrong through bad luck or a mistake after the first chance.
You could say that my five decades of personal and professional life were a series of mulligans. I'll save those stories for later. I was an only child, and both my mom and dad worked when I was growing up. In 1964 there was no daycare where I grew up. I had plenty of friends, but it was just Mulligan and me in reality. One time several friends and relatives all went on a hike. Somewhere along the way, these two massive and angry German Shepards came upon us with mal intent. From what I remember, everyone else who was older climbed up a fence; however, I was not tall enough. Mulligan built a circle around me with a nasty growl until, eventually, the two dogs left.
A Boy and his dog.
A 63-year-old me wonders if Mulligan was more than a story about a boy and his dog. A scattering of family and friends has influenced me, but perhaps I missed someone. Maybe I could have learned more from those little boy walks with my dog. According to legend, spirit animals help people navigate life with more ease, faith, and confidence. I don't own any crystals, and candles and incense make me sneeze. When I was younger, I would not have thought of things I would think of now. Accordingly, if you ask me now whether Mulligan is my spirit animal, I will leave this answer to all of life's most important scientific questions. Perhaps!